MÉTASELF | Reverence For Rest

MÉTASELF | Reverence For Rest

Self-soothing and regulating your nervous system will get you back into a rest-and-digest mode — a more gentle and balanced mental & emotional state, so you can focus on what matters most.

MÉTASELF | Self Massage as a Healing Practice

MÉTASELF | Self Massage as a Healing Practice

Our bodies are designed to self heal. Learning what tools and healing modalities align with and your body will allow you to self-regulate. One way to bring yourself back into balance is through self massage.

MÉTASELF | The Actualized Self, Explored

MÉTASELF | The Actualized Self, Explored

Life is not without its caveats and roadblocks and choosing to self-heal gets us past those blocks. What the path to self-actualization gives you is a sense of structure within the non-linear path that is healing and the ability to reflect on what your personal needs are, so you can reach for what you desire. 

MÉTASELF | Basics of Self-Healing

MÉTASELF | Basics of Self-Healing 

By Lisa Khiev

With the topic of self healing becoming more important now than ever, we’re starting this conversation with a few basics and thoughts of how taking the steps to heal can bring you closer to your highest potential.

How did your healing journey first begin? Self-healing begins with you.

The path to self heal isn’t a linear path to a utopia-like paradise. There is no definitive roadmap. It’s personal and it’s important to customize your self healing to what...